Sunday, May 24, 2020

The aims of the Criminal Justice system include...

The aims of the Criminal Justice system include maintaining public order and public protection through incapacitation (University of Portsmouth, 2013) whilst also rehabilitating offenders towards crime free lives after prison (Parkes Bilby, 2010). However, both a growing incarceration and recidivism rate (Ministry of Justice, 2013) leads to the assessment that the Prison Service is not fully attaining its rehabilitative function. The cognitive-behavioural techniques used in many prisons have been unable to provide unequivocal evidence of reduced recidivism (Keeler, 2010) with narrow focus on sets of basic, key and cognitive skills (Johnson, 2008). (Example of CBT) Therefore, aspects of the rehabilitation process must be re-assessed. The†¦show more content†¦Issues with quantitative vs qualitative†¦.? There is not a mass of literature in regards to alternative practices and a downfall of these current research is mass qualitative data. It is hard to do follow up to get empirical data†¦. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of ‘alternative’ practices, it is essential to understand the concept of desistance. Desistance is the â€Å"long term abstinence from criminal behaviour among those for whom offending had become a pattern of behaviour† (McNeill, et al 2012). As mentioned above, producing or encouraging desistance is an implicit focus of much criminal justice policy and is one of the key outcomes that justice interventions are designed to achieve (McNeill, et al 2012). Desistance from crime, particularly for persistent offenders, is a complex and demanding process (McNeill, et al 2011). Theories of desistance suggest that the â€Å"cessation of crime is not only about objective transformations in an individuals’ social circumstances, but also subjective evaluations or ‘cognitive transformations’ that frequently occur as an integral part of the reform process† (Appleton, 2010). Theorists such as Maruna (2001) and Sho ver (1996) argue that individuals stop offending as a result of changes in identity, self-concept and personal agency. This idea is furthered by Vaughan (2007) who argues that a change in personal narrative through internal moral conversation allows desisters to develop new, pro social narrative identities whichShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice System Of The United States1722 Words   |  7 Pages  Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. Those accused of crime have protections against abuse of investigatory and prosecution powers. 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